Freaks of Kansas Menu

True Fan

You might be a TRUE KANSAS FAN if. . .
  • On your CD rack, you keep all your Kansas CD's in the order they were released.

  • You have attended at least 20 concerts in only one year.

  • You have the out of print Masque album on CD, Vinyl, Cassette, and 8-track plus a working 8-track player to play the 8-track with. (Submitted by:

  • You have two copies of every album "just in case".

  • You have Kansas-related icons, backgrounds and screen savers on your computer.

  • You are willing to pay $100 at an auction for a Kansas poster.

  • You know the names to all the parts of Magnum Opus.

  • Your license plate is a Kansas song or album title. (Submitted by:

  • You are buying Kansas CD's for your kids, whether they want them or not. (Submitted by:

  • You have the band's guitar picks superglued to your dashboard. (Submitted by: Goleach.Daniel@HQ.NAVY.MIL)

  • You contemplate naming your first born "Phil" or Kerry". (Submitted by:

  • Your living room walls are decorated with album jackets. (Submitted by:

  • Your rendition of the national anthem is "Song for America". (Submitted by:

  • When you hear STEVE sing you get goose bumps all over your body. (Submitted by:

  • You name your business and your boat from Kansas songs. (Submitted by:

  • You have a KANSAS song as the intro on your answering machine. (Submitted by:

  • You are the life of the karaoke scene with your fabulous rendition of Carry On Wayward Son. (Submitted by:

  • You can play all the kansas songs on your instrument. (Submitted by:

  • You use a favorite Kansas musical interlude (i.e. Paradox intro) as a signal of new E-mail messages having just arrived. (Submitted by:

  • After winning the powerball your first thought is to hire Kansas to play at your party. (Submitted by:

  • You don't mind driving a few hundred miles to see them play. (Submitted by:

  • Kansas represents the soundtrack to your life and The Wall is your spiritual theme. (Submitted by:

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Freaks of Kansas designed by Jason Bozarth and maintained by Kevin Robertson. Site originally opened on October 31, 1998 and changed ownership on July 5, 2000.